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Saturday, December 11, 2010

░ How-to Christmas Curls: Using a Ceramic Hair Straightener ☃ ░

A granted request! Here is a tutorial on how I curl my hair using my new 
JML ProCeramicStraightener. 
Here are some points you need to be informed about before using this product:

  • JML ProCeramicStraightener can only be used on DRY hair.
  • Avoid dropping or using on wet hair, this two circumstances will cause the ceramic plates to crack. Each ceramic plate costs P500.00 so you have to be careful if you don't want additional expenses!
  • Do not touch the tip of the straightener, it will burn your finger/hand.
  • Once plugged in, the ceramic plates heat up very quickly. 
  • Do not let children handle this product.

So basically, here is my three-step rule on curling your hair using a ceramic hair straightener:
For tighter and more defined curls, you're going to have to glide down more slower than the usual. Keep twisting to add more volume to the curls. 
Watch this video for the demo. 
P.S. Stay tuned for another 2-minute how-to video on how I put my hair up in a messy bun.
Happy Holidays!
♥ Say


  1. thanks for this tut say! i have the same product and its been with me for four years now. i only use it for straightening but thanks you i can now have cute curls!. it was the same product used on me during my grad pic and the hair was perfect! more power lovely say! :)

  2. girl you have really pretty eyes =D

    and handy skills styling your hairs!

  3. Thank you dear! I appreciate it so much. :)
